The 17th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care is taking a sustainable approach! We aim to reflect Vancouver’s green initiatives and natural beauty to minimize our environmental impact and commitment to sustainability. This means embracing eco-friendly practices at every stage – from reducing waste, lowering our carbon footprint, sourcing sustainable materials, and encouraging green transportation. By incorporating these practices, our goal is to create a more sustainable event and inspire others to adopt greener practices in their own events, fostering a positive impact on the community and the planet.

Our sustainable event design & plan:

  • Digital event materials: Everything is virtual - no printed programs or maps, no paper waste.

  • Waste reduction and recycling: Extensive facility-wide recycling program that includes organics. Clearly labeled recycling bins throughout the event space and educating attendees on what can or cannot be recycled.

  • Eco-friendly transportation: We provide information to attendees on the best public transportation routes to reach the event. Convenient green transportation system with a climate action plan is available from the airport directly to the convention centre or hotels.

  • Eco-friendly venue: Hosted at the world’s first double LEED platinum certified convention centre.

    • The West building’s six-acre living roof – the largest in Canada and the largest non-industrial living roof in North America – features more than 400,000 indigenous plant and grasses. Our unique roof is designed to act as an insulator, reducing heat gains in the summer and heat losses in the winter.

    • A restored marine habitat is built into the foundation of the West building. Water quality in the area has improved dramatically, with the growth of a large variety of sea life.

    • Our sophisticated black water treatment plant recycles grey and black water that goes back into our washrooms for toilet flushing and is used for rooftop irrigation during warmer weather.

    • Our seawater heating and cooling system takes advantage of the adjacent seawater to produce cooling for the building during warmer months and heating in cooler months.

    • Natural light and ventilation are maximized throughout the facility.

    • Local BC wood products from sustainably-managed forests are used throughout the facility

  • Accommodation location: We chose hotels near the convention centre to minimize travel distance and reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation.

  • Training and education: We encourage our vendors and exhibitors to prioritize sustainability by using reusable or recyclable materials for displays, banners, handouts, and other event materials.

  • Eco-friendly city: We are hosted in Vancouver, the lowest carbon footprint in North America, with 3.9 tCO2e per resident in 2015.

  • Encouragement: We are mindful of our impact on the environment and encourage you, attendees, vendors and committee members to be as well!